Category: Writing

Image shows a black sign with white letters stating "Racism is a pandemic" in capital letters.

So THAT just happened…

I’m angry… Shauna has cautioned me from blogging too politically until the book has been released, with the idea that if I were to do

Image shows a chalkboard with the word impossible written in chalk. A hand covers the "Im" portion so that only the word "Possible" displays.

Hello, Self-Doubt, my old friend…

Confession: I struggle with self-doubt.   That probably doesn’t seem like a big reveal because I’m sure most human beings have self-doubt every now and

Image displays a plant next to a white white sign stating "write without fear. edit without mercy."

I have found my new nemesis…..

The pain in my ass for today is: word count.   Last week, Shauna (You will see me mention Shauna a lot. Shauna is my


What Is Shadow Resistance?

It took me a long time to do this; to my friends and family, probably too long. When I say “this,” I mean write and